I seldom start new rails application, but when the exception happens I often end up with a ‘task’ and the knowledge that there is a better way to handle the command line, but I can’t remember!
Therefore I note a this wiki wiki page some plain and ordinarily commands, don’t expect fancy tricks as it is more of a mnemonic for me. For details check rails --help
or rails generate --help
$ rails new cool-app
$ cd cool-app
$ rails server
Install RSpec
$ echo "gem 'rspec-rails'" > Gemfile
$ bundle install
$ rails generate rspec:install
and generate a simple user application with specs:
$ rails g scaffold User name:string birthday:date
Find outdated gems with bundle outdated
and update installed ones with bundle update
Or ‘rm Gemfile.lock’ when running dependency problems.
Generate default rspec test for existing controller ‘events_controller.rb’
$ rails g rspec:controller Events
Update Ruby and Rails version in the Gemfile, and excute update script
$ bundle update --bundler
$ bundle update
$ export THOR_MERGE=meld && bin/rails app:update
$ bin/rails db:drop
$ bin/rails db:test:prepare
$ bin/rails db:migrate
$ bundle exec guard
After this, check Rails upgrade guide at https://guides.rubyonrails.org/upgrading_ruby_on_rails.html for more details about upgrading your app.
tbd: Procfile