Comment/Uncomment multiline code blocks with VIM
18 February 2013I did not use VIM for a looong time and forgot nearly everything … feels like learning again from ground up!
For commenting a block of code in VIM, go to the first character of the line, press Ctrl + v
, then select until the last line (e.g. Shift + g
) and press I + #
to insert new or c + #
to replace first character with the hash-symbol on all selected lines.
To uncomment put your cursor on the first hash symbol, press Ctrl + v
, and go down until the last commented line and press x
, which will delete all hash-characters vertically.
Alternatively configure your .vimrc:
vmap ,ic :s/^/#/g<CR>:let @/ = ""<CR>
map ,ic :s/^/#/g<CR>:let @/ = ""<CR>
vmap ,rc :s/^#//g<CR>:let @/ = ""<CR>
map ,rc :s/^#//g<CR>:let @/ = ""<CR>
So you can press ,ic
to insert and ,rc
to remove comments in normal and visual mode.